Other Types of Policies We Offer

We have solutions to create a customized, full-rounded health insurance portfolio for you.

Sunflower in a field.

Creating A Portfolio To Serve All Your Health and Wellness Needs

We offer more than Medicare Part C, Part D and Medicare Supplements. Your main insurance may not be able to fill all your needs, but there are separate policies you can select to fill those gaps. Here at Imagine Insurance Advisors, we can help complete your Medicare coverage portfolio with standalone dental and vision policies, and/or a hospital indemnity plan. We also help fill other insurance needs you may have like life and burial insurance, health coverage for international travel and trip cancellation insurance, and long-term care insurance.

Dental and Vision Insurance

Original Medicare and most health insurance plans do not include coverage for dental care or routine vision exams and glasses. Protecting and keeping an eye on your oral and ocular health is the first defense to detecting and avoiding health issues in other areas of your body. Insurance policies have been proven to reduce your out-of-pocket costs for treatment and maintenance of these two critical areas of your body. Learn more.

Individual/Family Health Insurance

We generally only offer guidance for individual health insurance for the spouses of our Medicare clients who haven't reached Medicare yet. We currently do not assist with applying for health insurance through Kynect or Healthcare.gov but can guide the non-Medicare spouses of our Medicare clients to understand their health insurance options until age 65. We also know another knowledgeable, independent local professional that we can refer you to for coverage. Plans are usually applied for and managed through a marketplace exchange. These can be run by the state (like Kentucky's Kynect) or through the federal marketplace (healthcare.gov).

The Affordable Care Act has changed the way we purchase and benefit from health insurance. There are no pre-existing condition exclusions or underwriting questions, except for tobacco use. This means no one can be denied a plan or be rated-up due to health conditions. Enrollments and plan changes are limited to once per year unless you are eligible for a Special Enrollment Period (like moving out of state, losing other coverage, birth, death, marriage, divorce, etc). The Open Enrollment Period is November 1st to January 15th and is the only time you can get health insurance if you don't have it, or to make a change to a different plan if you already have a plan. Learn more.

Hospital Indemnity Insurance

Hospital indemnity policies are a low-cost solution to Part C Medicare Advantage Plans and high-deductible health plans. A hospital indemnity policy pays money directly back to you to replenish your out-of-pocket costs for hospital admittances, skilled-nursing care, physical therapy, out-patient surgery, and more. These policies work to mitigate some of the highest costs of your Medicare Advantage Plan for a lower premium than a Medicare Supplement. The benefits of a hospital indemnity policy can be tailored to match your plan's benefits, giving you flexibility to save money and cover the medical bills you are most concerned about. Learn more.

International Travel Insurance

Medicare only covers you while you are in the U.S. Foreign travel policies reimburse you for covered medical expenses, emergency evacuation, repatriation benefits, return of your mortal remains, and more. You select from a flexible range of deductibles and maximum limits to find peace of mind that you can pay your emergency medical bills should an unforeseeable accident or illness befall you while traveling abroad. Learn more.

Life Insurance

In very simple terms, a life insurance policy is when an insurance company agrees to pay your beneficiary a specified amount of money when you die. Anyone can be named as your beneficiary including family, friends, charities, business partners, etc. You may have multiple beneficiaries. For the most part, life insurance fits into one of two classes: permanent life insurance and term life insurance. There are many variations within these two classes. Learn more.

Long Term Care (LTC) Insurance

Most people think that only seniors need long term care, but the reality is that nearly half of people who are disabled are under the age of 65. Long-term care services are needed by people who have lost their ability to care for themselves because of a chronic illness or condition and not solely due to age. There are multiple factors that go into designing an appropriate long term care insurance plan. Allison Harris is a Long-Term Care Professional (LTCP) who understands how to work with you to choose coverage that will protect you and your assets should you need long-term care. Learn more.

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